
Contra Costa Times Again

From Jessica Guynn of the Contra Costa Times on March 17:
Corporate tax break in jeopardy; Alleged abuse and lack of oversight threaten the a program that is geared toward helping depressed areas
State officials and lawmakers are pushing for significant reforms to curb alleged abuse of a costly corporate tax break intended to steer money and jobs to economically depressed areas. The Assembly on Tuesday held the last in a series of hearings examining the state's so-called enterprise zone program, which gives businesses such incentives as lucrative hiring credits to locate in 42 economically distressed areas in California.

Jessica Guynn, remember, is the journalist who kicked off the press' criticism of the zones with her "investigation" last April. Overall, I think this latest article is more balanced than the past ones have been, though there is still an attempt to push the hype that there has been widespread abuse. I think she captured Assemblyman Arambula's approach with her choice of quotes:

"There are places where the enterprise zone program has done good. Rather than throw out the baby with the bath water, I think it makes sense to make significant reforms in the way the program has been run," said Assemblyman Juan Arambula, D-Fresno, whose Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy will issue a list of recommended reforms before a hearing on proposed legislation late this month

The article is only available for a fee through the Contra Costa Times Archive. Reach Jessica Guynn at 925-952-2671 or jguynn@cctimes.com.