AB 1134: EZ Bill From The Twilight Zone
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AB 1134, as introduced, Dymally. Medical enterprise zones: student loans: tax credits.The last time the Trade and Commerce Agency was authorized to designate 25 enterprise zones was 1991.
(1) Existing law authorizes the governing bodies of cities or counties to propose the designation of areas within their respective jurisdictions as enterprise zones based upon specified findings that those areas are depressed areas and in need of private sector investment. The Trade and Commerce Agency is authorized to designate not more than 25 enterprise zones within the state based on its determination that the zones propose the most effective, innovative, and comprehensive regulatory, tax, program, and other incentives in attracting private sector investment in the zones proposed.
This bill would require the California Healthcare Workforce Policy Commission of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to designate 10 medical enterprise zones that are medically underserved areas, as defined.
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