
Siskiyou County in 2008

This article from Mt. Shasta News sheds some interesting light on the local issues and concerns in Siskiyou County as they gear up for their 2008 Enterprise Zone application:
The pros and cons of an Enterprise Zone will be discussed during a town hall meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Dunsmuir Community Building.

The meeting will provide an opportunity for residents to express their opinions on Dunsmuir's economic revitalization and development.

City staff, along with Siskiyou County Economic Development Council's Tanya Dowse and Stephanie Bailey will provide an overview of the Enterprise Zone and answer questions.
At the close of the Aug. 8 meeting, an informal vote with raised hands will be conducted to determine the willingness of Dunsmuir residents and businesses to undertake the commitment of an Enterprise Zone.